Saturday, June 4, 2011

Memorial Day.

This year, our Memorial Day celebration began a day early.  We spent Sunday evening enjoying food, fun, and fellowship with some great friends...props to the Birds for opening their home to us!  The kids had a ton of fun playing in our "jumpy," splashing in the baby pool, eating ice cream, and simply going crazy with each other.

The adults had a great time, too...the evening weather was actually cool enough to enjoy sitting and laughing outdoors...and nothing's more fun than laughing with a big group of friends!

As a special holiday treat, Ben let Harry stay up and watch the end of the Braves game once we made it home.  Harris thought he was tough stuff. :)

On Monday morning we got all decked out in our red, white, and blue and headed out on our annual trip to the Memorial Day Parade.

Pretty much all I remember about the parade is the heat.  The heat and the candy, that is.  Harris was all about some candy this year, and to be honest, Ben and I were pretty proud of his moves.  Homeboy was serious about his candy collection.

All in all, I'd say we rocked it out pretty well.

We did, per tradition, finish up the morning with lunch at Johnny's, followed by a long, long nap.

Holidays rock.  And celebrating them with friends rocks even more.

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