Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's the Summer of Fun!!!!!!!!!

It's no secret:  I LOVE SUMMER.  And I look forward all year to planning the "Summer of Fun."  I think 2012 is going to be one of our best years yet!

The "Summer of Fun" officially began on Tuesday.  Hadley woke up asking, "Is it the summer of fun?!?!?!"

Yes, sweet girl, it is.

You may laugh at me (Ben already has!), but we're attempting to work a very loose schedule this summer.  So far, so GREAT.  We start the day with breakfast and a little tv time, then move into free play, morning snack, story time (a favorite!!!), our daily activity, lunch, room/rest time, afternoon snack, summer workbook time (another fave!!), and "screen" time (Wii/LeapPad/iPad).  It has seriously been AWESOME and I have enjoyed every single second.  Of course, we'll change the schedule up every week as our activites change, but it's a nice little routine we've got going right now.

We're kicking off the summer with swim lessons this week.  Harris is learning to "swim on top of the water" (actual strokes) while Babe has mastered jumping off the edge all by herself!

Stick around to see what other fun things we've got going on over the next couple of months!!

SOF 2012.  It's gonna rock.

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