Friday, May 25, 2012

The Graduate.

I didn't cry.  I smiled, I laughed, and I let my heart swell with pride.  I love this kid.

He chose Sonic for his graduation dinner.  Unfortunately, we were in such a rush to get home from school and work, change clothes, and get to the church that we didn't have a whole lot of time left to eat.  We managed to meet Auntie, DB, and Granti at Sonic, order our food, have it delivered by a girl on roller skates (which is all Harris really wanted) and pile back in the van to eat on the drive over.  The tater tots still tasted great, so it all worked out.

In case you're wondering, Ben bought Harris' tie especially for graduation.  He was so excited; he keeps asking for a bowtie, too, and I have no doubt he'll get one for football season.

We made it to the church and found a seat (and Pop!) in plenty of time.  Harris enjoyed goofing around with his friends while waiting and we had lots of time to take lots of pictures. :)

The more pictures I took, the sillier my sweet boy became.  He has such a great sense of humor!  We laugh ALL THE TIME at home (I love my husband for making me laugh!) and it's so funny to watch Harris ham it up in public, too.

His class sang a few songs (in English and Spanish!) to start the program.  He takes his singing very seriously, in case you can't tell.  Because he is quite the rule follower, Harris worked hard to make sure he sang loud enough for the whole church to hear. 

And then come the processional.  His teachers had told me that Harris, of course, was the best behaved, most serious student during practice that morning.  I think everybody was totally unprepared for his "march" down the aisle.

He had the whole place cracking up.  And he wasn't being rude or crazy or disprespectful...just funny.  It was awesome.

I hope he does it again when he graduates high school.

We are so, so proud of our graduate!!!  We finished up the evening with more pictures, a quick stop at the graduation reception, and a cupcake from Cupcake Diva Girlz on the way home. :)

Thank you, Ms. Wendy, for loving our baby boy.  I'm pretty sure we'll still be talking about you ten years from now.

1 comment:

  1. What a special celebration! Congrats, Harris! And I never noticed how much he looks like his Pop! They have the same sparkling smile. I do enjoy reading about your fun family and seeing your photos. Thanks for sharing!
