Saturday, August 18, 2012

It's a...

On Thursday, Ben and I headed to the doctor's office for our sixteen-week ultrasound and gender check!  Both Harris and Hadley were begging for a baby brother (and Babe was convinced she already knew the baby was a boy), so they were super stoked for Thursday evening to roll around.

Unfortunately, Ben had to work a little later than anticipated.  You'd have thought those kids were waiting for Christmas morning with the excitement (and impatience) surrounding them!  In fact, when Harris ran into my office after getting off the bus on Thursday afternoon, the first thing he asked me was, "Is the baby a boy or a girl?!?!?!"  Once I told him he'd have to wait until Daddy was home, I'm pretty sure he asked me about Ben's arrival every five minutes.

Finally, after dinner, we brought out a nice pink bag with pink tissue paper, which the kids ripped open to find...

a new outfit for a BABY BOY!

To be honest, I don't really think they ever believed that the baby was anything other than a boy...and so I'm thankful to be evening up the gender count in our house.

We're now counting down the days until we meet our brand new baby boy, Benjamin "Thatcher."

I don't think January can get here quick enough. :)

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